One of the repair services INETEC offers is steam generator plugging. INETEC uses a mechanical plugging technology for the installation of leak resistant plugs on both ends of the tube to prevent the flow of media through the defective steam generator.
The main characteristics of the mechanical plugging technology are the following:
⚬ fast plug installation
⚬ plug removal possibility
⚬ small number of simple installation steps
⚬ possibility of controlling plugging process
⚬ possibility of in-service inspection of plug
⚬ extremely good records in service life
Plugging module is mounted on INETEC eddy current inspection systems called CASTOR and FORERUNNER. The positioning of the manipulator is achieved by application of machine vision EddyOne Vision. Software for plugging EddyOne Plugging is a part of the EddyOne Software Package. Learn more about Forerunner here.