SignyOne Software Package is a unique solution for job preparation, acquisition, analysis and report preparation for ultrasound inspections....
GIMIS is a comprehensive yet user-friendly software tool that integrates all processes, functions and data into a single platform...
Provides one intuitive interface with reconfigurable windows for multiple INETEC manipulators.
Supports manual and automatic acquisition (cooperation with manipulator control).
Has all of the necessary features to analyze, review and report on any eddy current data that you acquired during your inspection....
Automatically analyze data obtained during eddy current inspections.
Provides user to build a model of any heat exchanger.
Provides independent position verification.
Support for PWR and VVER types of steam generators. Can be performed online with ET inspection or offline, after the inspection.
Software for controlling the process of mechanical tube plugging.
Software for controlling the RPVH surface repair module.
We have gained international acclaim for developing technologies for nuclear power plant examination and repair, inspection and repair services, as well as various engineering studies that we conduct as our regular scope of activities.