The reactor pressure vessel head (RPVH) of Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR's) is an integral part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary. Its integrity is important to the safe operation of the plant. Reactor pressure vessel head has penetration nozzles for instrumentation systems and control rod drive mechanisms.

  • INETEC has developed an automatic surface repair module that provides efficient repair of the J-groove weld
  • ASR module represents the unique application and is a part of ARCHER
  • the purpose of the ASR module is to remove discovered indications by eddy current inspection from the J-groove weld surface
  • further propagation of surface flaw is prevented with indication removal
  • EddyOne Mending Software is applied during automated surface repair

Almost 35 years of technological excellence

We have gained international acclaim for developing technologies for nuclear power plant examination and repair, inspection and repair services, as well as various engineering studies that we conduct as our regular scope of activities.

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