High Sensitivity Ultrasonic NDT Technique for Detecting Creep Damage at the Early Stage In Power Plant Steels

Published: 22.01.2022.

High Sensitivity Ultrasonic NDT Technique for Detecting Creep Damage at the Early Stage In Power Plant Steels

• The conducted research demonstrated that early stage creep damage can be identified.

• The signal processing including filtering, alignment of signals, correction of front wall reflection and extraction of the noise.

• The early stages creep damage causes only minor, however, a significant increase of the structural noise in the heat affected zone.

• The presented technique is appropriate to be used for detecting different levels of structural noise.

Authors: Liudas Mažeika, Renaldas Raišutis, Audrius Jankauskas, Regina Rekuvienė, Reimondas Šliteris, Vykintas Samaitis, Channa Nageswaran, Marko Budimir (INETEC)

Journal: International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Volume 196, April 2022, 104613

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