SignyOne Software Package is a unique solution for job preparation, acquisition, analysis and report preparation for ultrasound inspections. It supports manual and automatic acquisitions for all ultrasound techniques: Phased-Array, TOFD, conventional Pitch & Catch as well as conventional Pulse Echo.
- manual and automatic inspections
- time-based, 1-axis or 2-axes encoder triggering
- multi-probe support
- supported probes: Phased Array, Time Of Flight Diffraction (TOFD), Pitch and Catch, Pulse Echo
- multiple interactive display screens with A-Scans, B-Scans, C-Scans, S-scans and FFT
- user customization of interface
- saving/loading layouts and beam setups
- online data visualization during acquisition
- gigabit ethernet connection with instrument
- compatible with all DOLPHIN instruments