TRACER is a manipulator for the control rod drive protection pipe inspection. It is designed to perform the complete ultrasound, eddy current and visual examinations of welds and control rod drive protection pipe interior.
TRACER consists of:
control rod drive protection pipe inspection mast
larger diameter ultrsound/eddy current module
smaller diameter ultrsound/eddy current module
visual testing module
Areas of inspection:
control rod drive protection pipe welds and interior
ultrasound (surface and volumetric) examination of control rod drive protection pipe welds
eddy current (surface) examination of control rod drive protection pipe welds
visual examination of control rod drive protection pipe interior
Key features
no usage of a polar crane
prior to starting the ultrasound/eddy current inspection, control rod drive protection pipe is plugged at the bottom and filled with water
larger diameter control rod drive protection pipe ultrsound/eddy current module is used for inspection of the W1 and W2
smaller diameter control rod drive protection pipe ultrasound/eddy current module is used for W3 through W5
visual testing and ultrasound/eddy current can be performed simultaneously