LANCER is designed to satisfy all requirements related to reactor pressure vessel examinations as well as remedial activities. Inspection...
TARGET is a device designed for ultrasound and eddy current testing inspections of PWR reactor pressure vessel bottom mounted instrumentation...
BRAVER is an independent module designed to perform complete ultrasonic examinations of reactor pressure vessel safety injection nozzle-to-shell...
ORCA is an independent module, designed to provide remote underwater ultrasonic examinations of reactor pressure vessel nozzle to...
ASPIRA is a remote-controlled system designed to perform the complete under water ultrasonic examination of baffle bolts as well as...
OCTA is an independent module, designed to provide remote underwater ultrasonic examinations of reactor pressure vessel nozzle to...
LANCER II is an innovative system used to perform the complete examination of RPV shell- UT, ET, VT on both PWR and VVER reactor types.
We have gained international acclaim for developing technologies for nuclear power plant examination and repair, inspection and repair services, as well as various engineering studies that we conduct as our regular scope of activities.