LANCER is designed to satisfy all requirements related to reactor pressure vessel examinations as well as remedial activities. Inspection equipment is capable of performing remote underwater ultrasound testing using contact technique, eddy current and visual testing, taking specimens and grinding action or other corrective action.
Inspection scope
- reactor pressure vessel shell circumferential and longitudinal welds
- lower head (bottom) welds
- inlet and outlet nozzle-to-shell welds and inner radius areas, nozzle-to-safe end welds and safe end-to-pipe welds
- safety injection nozzles, nozzle to shell welds and inner radius areas, nozzle-to-safe end welds
- ligaments between the thread flange holes
- reactor pressure vessel supports
- interior surfaces
- underwater ultrasound inspection of the baffle to former bolts
Key features
- system modularity provides adaptation to different sizes of reactor pressure vessels (PWR and VVER type)
- simultaneous inspection with two modules reduces reactor pressure vessel inspection time
- all baffle to former bolts reachable from a single position of the robotic arm
- data recording and processing system fully integrated with the manipulator with real time monitoring capability
- minimal examination and set-up time
- supports underwater operation up to 30 m
- 8 axes available for use during examination
- scanning speed: 0 − 150 mm/s
- remotely operated
- radiation resistant
- shell end effector
- nozzle and inner radius end effector
- bottom weld end effector (VVER)
- baffle to former bolt end effector