Since knowledge is a precious resource, we gather highly educated individuals with international experience in the field. As a strategy of life-long learning, we pursue additional qualification programs to keep up with current trends.

Number of qualification achievements of INETEC NDE personnel:

  • Level III CP-189/SNT-TC-1A/ISO 9712-UT, ET, VT, MT, PT (19)
  • Level I/II CP-189/SNT-TC-1A-UT, ET, VT, MT, PT (85)
  • Level I/II ISO 9712-UT, ET, MT, PT (24)
  • EPRI QDA-ET (14)
  • EPRI PDI-UT (24)
  • ASNT – UT, ET, VT, MT, PT (13)

Almost 35 years of technological excellence

We have gained international acclaim for developing technologies for nuclear power plant examination and repair, inspection and repair services, as well as various engineering studies that we conduct as our regular scope of activities.

  • 0+ client services
  • 0% export services
  • 0% represented worldwide