Career Days at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Zagreb

Published: 11.11.2022.

Exciting Career Days at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Zagreb are behind us. Thanks for coming to our booth and meeting our team! Exciting Career Days at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Zagreb are behind us. Thanks for coming to our booth and meeting our team! We had a great time exchanging information and knowledge with young and ambitious minds interested in technology and career opportunities.We are thankful to all our colleagues who participated in the event. Looking forward to Career Days next year!

Almost 35 years of technological excellence

We have gained international acclaim for developing technologies for nuclear power plant examination and repair, inspection and repair services, as well as various engineering studies that we conduct as our regular scope of activities.

  • 0+ client services
  • 0% export services
  • 0% represented worldwide